CNU al suo primo convegno OSCE

Promuovere percorsi legali complementari per gli sfollati per prevenire il contrabbando, la tratta e lo sfruttamento

Stati partecipanti | OSCEE’ stata una giornata intensa quella di oggi, come tutti ben sappiamo la civiltà umana sta vivendo momenti importanti. Abbiamo affrontati vari temi durante il summit e da padrona è stata la guerra tra Ucraina e la Federazione Russa. Abbiamo affrontato le varie problematiche legate alla sicurezza, alla tutela degli sfollati ed a possibili integrazioni nei vari territori della Regione Europea in primis ed in quelle oltre oceano. Da parte nostra abbiamo voluto sottolineare la considerazione di una multilateralità delle cause che hanno scatenato il conflitto andando oltre quanto pubblicamente viene diffuso dalle grandi agenzie di comunicazione e media. A seguire l’intervento del Segretario Generale della Confederazione:

Per la CNU erano presenti: Il Segretario Generale Harry TsT Tallarita, Il Responsabile della Procura CNU Claudio TsT Taroppi


Good morning everyone and thank you for inviting us.

I am the secretary general of the CNU Harry TsT Tallarita. ours is a global intergovernmental organization and was born in 2020 with the intention of protecting human rights, peoples who claim self-determination and to strengthen the project of shared sovereignty that was the founding basis of the European Community.

We are aware that in every conflict, as in every human relationship, it is necessary to find a meeting point and an intermediation because often the conflict arises from several motivations on both sides and it is therefore a priority to find a constructive and peaceful resolution.

on our side, we have tried to create a relationship, a constructive communication with the embassy of the Russian federation in Rome in order to find possible more constructive tools to this conflict because the use of weapons can never be justified and resolved.

In our Organization there are many experts in geopolitical strategies and therefore we hope to be useful.

This conflict will surely create strong economic troubles not only in Ukraine but also in all neighboring communities and we announce that also for this reason we are working on the creation of an international bank for the reconstruction and economic development of the weakest peoples. On 7th May we will have the assembly of the General States for this very reason for the approval of the work. We are aware that this will not be of immediate use but we are equally sure that we could be useful to the human community. In this moment, we are close to many human beings that because of this conflict have taken refuge in some European territories where our Confederates are present and we are trying, with our forces and without any distinction to be able to help them.